1 aunar
v.to join, to pool.aunar esfuerzos to join forces* * *(stressed ú in certain persons of certain tenses)Present IndicativePresent SubjunctiveImperative* * *1.VT to join, unite2.See:* * *1.verbo transitivo <ideas/esfuerzos> to combine2.aunarse v pron to unite, come together* * *= bridge, bring into + line, coalesce, rally.Ex. BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.Ex. UDC was originally based on the fifth edition of DC, and though the two schemes tended to drift apart, there was for some time an attempt to bring them into line again.Ex. Mayo's conclusion was that 'the singling out of certain groups of employees for special attention had the effect of coalescing previously indifferent individuals into cohesive groups with a high degree of group ride or esprit-de-corps'.Ex. The aim of the conference was to rally and organize the fight for public access to information.----* aunar esfuerzos = join + forces, coordinate + efforts, join + hands, pool + efforts, pull together.* * *1.verbo transitivo <ideas/esfuerzos> to combine2.aunarse v pron to unite, come together* * *= bridge, bring into + line, coalesce, rally.Ex: BLAISE offers a variety of services bridging the cataloguing and information retrieval functions.
Ex: UDC was originally based on the fifth edition of DC, and though the two schemes tended to drift apart, there was for some time an attempt to bring them into line again.Ex: Mayo's conclusion was that 'the singling out of certain groups of employees for special attention had the effect of coalescing previously indifferent individuals into cohesive groups with a high degree of group ride or esprit-de-corps'.Ex: The aim of the conference was to rally and organize the fight for public access to information.* aunar esfuerzos = join + forces, coordinate + efforts, join + hands, pool + efforts, pull together.* * *vtto combineaunar esfuerzos to join forcessu interpretación aúna sensibilidad e inteligencia her performance combines sensitivity with intelligence■ aunarseto unite, come together* * *
aunar ( conjugate aunar) verbo transitivo ‹ ideas› to combine
aunarse verbo pronominal
to unite, come together
aunar verbo transitivo & verbo reflexivo
1 (reunir para un mismo fin, armonizar) to join, to unite
aunar esfuerzos, to join forces
2 (agrupar(se), poner(se) de acuerdo para algo) to join together
' aunar' also found in these entries:
* * *♦ vtto join, to pool;aunar esfuerzos to join forces;su talento, aunado a su dedicación, dio excelentes resultados her talent combined with her dedication achieved excellent results* * *v/t combine;aunar esfuerzos join forces;si aunamos ideas if we put our heads together* * *aunar {8} vt: to join, to combine
См. также в других словарях:
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